Harris is one month old today - it is amazing. Each day over the last month has felt so incredibly long - but looking back it seems relatively quick. It is even more amazing that our incredible son would not have been here yet if we had had a "text book pregnancy" - we would be waiting for him to arrive, not just to arrive home!
Unfortunately Harris's one month birthday started with an exam from the eye doctor. The eye doctor arrives between 7 and 8 in the morning so there are no parents present - from what I understand, and what I remember from my days working in the hospital, that is probably a good thing. Because eye exams are traumatizing to infants. Harris is no exception and the appointment wore him out - he spent the rest of the day sleeping, not even waking enough to take his noon bottle. The speech pathologist, who was there to do a feeding, and the nurses all assured Mommy and Daddy that all preemies have bad days after an eye exam. And while that takes the worry that he is having a set back away, it doesn't make a parent feel better - just bad that you can't do anything about it. The "good news" is that his eyes are developing nicely and that he doesn't have to have another exam for two weeks - all I can say is that it is a good thing babies don't have a great sense of time because an exam every two weeks hardly seems like good news! 

But tonight when Mommy and Daddy arrived with Aunt Hayley and Uncle Dan it was a totally different story - Harris was wide awake and very interactive. He was wide eyed, smiling, and moving around. After a warm bath (given by mom) and bottle (given by dad) Harris got to spend time cuddling with Hayley and Dan before Mom rocked him to sleep and put him to bed. What a great night!
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