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Day 20
Harris had a great night last night. His on going challenge of not being able to maintain his oxygen level resulting in desats (desaturations of oxygen in the blood and beeping on his monitors) seems to be getting better. When we called the NICU this morning his nurse told me that he made it through the night without any significant desats and today he had a few but they were all short lived! Harris continues to be able to maintain his temperature and tonight they are sending his isolate back to the storage room - it is cribs from here on out.
Today, for the second day in a row our handsome 
man was dressed in quite an ensemble - in mom's family we would call them Papa Max (my great grandfather) outfits, because before yesterday Papa Max was the only man I have ever known that could pull off strips and polka dots at the same time! Today Harris topped it with a blue hat with little racoons on it and a car and truck onesie - so my little man may look just like his dad, but his fashion sense that's all Papa Max.
Mom and Dad had a great night of parenting. We got to the NICU tonight just in time to help with Harris's night routine. Dad took his temperature (like a pro I might add). Mom gave him a bath - with only a small amount of screaming on the little man's part - then dad got him dressed. Harris's nurse was patient and talked us through the whole routine. While it is incredibly hard having Harris away from us, and of course we would rather him home, we are so thankful for all we are learning from the NICU nurses!
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