Saturday, June 20, 2009

Day 27 part 1

Dad blogging today (I'm sure Laura will be posting later...) First off, I'd like to give a shout out to Harris's cousins:




We heard that they were requesting more video of the little man, so I am happy to oblige:

Harris is now up to feeding from the bottle 3 times a day, and I got my first chance to feed him today while Mommy had to attend a work event (yuck). Harris told me it was fun hanging out with me and Gampa and Grandee but he was patiently awaiting Mom's visit later tonight.

Off to build a swing...hope it's low to the ground.

Careful what you say Grandee, in this age, everything ends up on the internet!!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Hey adam and sasha, thanks for the videos of Harris. I want 5, 6, no, 8, no, 10 more now!"


    (we watched them mucho times!)
