Around midnight I called the NICU to check on our little man before I went to bed and found out that the NICU was up and moving -- literally the babies were being moved around to accommodate everyone's needs. Harris was going to a new "pod." I was a wreck - feeling like I needed to go and see where he was - Adam, the always sensible one, was calm as can be explaining to me that if they moved him it meant he was stable and that was progress. In my emotional state, it sounded like a made up excuse to try and calm me down -- today when Brenda, one of Harris's nurses, said the same thing it seemed completely rational. Amazing what some sleep and a few hours do for a mom's rationality.
Brenda also decided it was time for Harris to try out a crib (think plastic bucket). So at Harris's 3pm feeding we transferred him to his new bed. He took to it right away and as of now (9:30 pm) he has been able to maintain his body temperature without the isolate. More progress!

Harris has been getting to know more of his family over this last week, getting to say hello to some of his Great Aunts and Uncles. He can't wait to meet everyone else.
Mom and Dad both had big parenting days -- Mom got two VERY dirty diapers and Dad changed his first diaper!
Well that's an awful lot of excitement--a new bed, a first time diaper change...and 34 weeks!! Woo hoo! So glad things are going well... Love ya! xo