Today was a huge day for Harris. His cannula was removed and he spent the day breathing on his own. Just before his noon feeding, we arrived at the hospital to find Brenda, his nurse, getting ready to remove the cannula. Which, by the way, was a production because after days of the little man trying to pull the tubes out of his nose, today he decided he did not want Brenda to touch his face or to remove the tubes. So Mommy stepped in and attempted to distract him - and after a few minutes it was over and Harris was on his own to breath.
The day went remarkably well, and while his respiratory rate was somewhat higher then the doctors love, he had no real desats and was able to maintain his blood oxygen level through feeding (both a bottle given by Dad, and nursing by mom); playing (with Hayley, Grammy, and Pop); sleeping; cuddling and fussing. All in all amazingly successful - not to mention the fact that he looked adorable through it all!

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