So Harris is feeling better -- but his eating patterns have become all kinds of crazy. Harris is officially eating between 1 and 6ozs a feeding! I know- a huge range... here is what happens:
He starts out the day only wanting small amounts in fact he would gladly stop eating after an oz (if its a bottle) or about 6 minutes (if I am nursing), though I try and force at least two at a time or he is eating every 40
minutes. As the day goes on, he generally takes a bit more each feeding... so it goes with out saying that just as Mommy and Daddy sit down for dinner Harris decides he is starving - I suppose decides suggests he is doing this intentionally and though I am not entirely convinced he is not I will give him the benefit of the doubt. He is so hungry he can not bear to have less then 5 or 6 ozs, which takes him at least 30 minutes to finish! By then our warm, fresh dinner is a distant memory!

OH and sometimes the little man switches it up -- you know just for fun! The last time we were at the doctor he said we could let him eat at will -- I was excited then, a milestone of sorts. BUT believe me I liked the mandatory 3 oz every 3 hours schedule better, now I never know what is coming. Inevitably I either have had to make more because I thought it was going to be a small feeding (and of course this has to be done with screaming baby at my side), or I have to throw out formula, or worse breast milk, because I have made/warmed too much.
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