So during the day Harris is napping - usually for about 2 hours at a time - overnight he is definitely SLEEPING for about 3 hours at a time, skipping the need for play after a feeding. Feedings are still taking an hour - but since they are 4 hours apart, and Harris is able to go right back down after he "eats," both Harris and Mom are getting an extra hour of sleep! This exciting change in our night time routine can be credited to one thing. THE MAGIC BEAR. What is the magic bear you ask? It is this amazing bear that attaches to the crib and makes "Wawawawa" sounds. The box claims it is the sound of the womb, I don't really care what it is the sound of, but what I KNOW is that since we attached that bear to his crib on Sunday he has fallen right to sleep with out the crying, there is no need for mommy or daddy to get up and restart the mobile, or the aquarium tha
t previously served as his sleep time tools. Instead we wind up the bear, put on the mobile and Harris settles in for at least 3 hours of sleep. Technically the bear is called a mommy bear - but for our purposes it is magical and needless to say I love it. OH and I love Uncle Vin for buying it.

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