Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Two Month Check-Up

Harris had his two month doctors appointment today. He is weighing in at 7lbs 15oz which means that he gained a whole pound from the last weigh-in (just over a week ago). It also means that while Harris stills needs formula supplement, he has moved on to a regular formula - which is good news for Mommy and Daddy because it is a little less expensive and can be bought in larger quantities!

So here are all the stats:

Weight: 7lbs 15ozs - 5-10th percentile for his age (yeah!)
Height: 21inches - 3-5th percentile for his age (OK still on the chart)
Head Circumference - 35cm - less then 3rd percentile (so that's off the charts but some of our favorite people have small heads)

Harris had to endure multiple shots today - but he took it like a champ and after a bit of Tylenol he seems to be doing OK. When it comes to medical interventions our little man sure is a trooper! The best news is that we don't have to go back to the doctor for a whole month.

1 comment:

  1. but those are uncorrected percentiles, right? so i'm sure he's much more middle of the pack when you correct for his gestational age.
