It is amazing how quickly time goes - like much of the last two months, this has been a very busy week. Yesturday was Daddy's birthday and Mommy and Harris woke up early to give Daddy his birthday gifts and see him off to work. Last night Harris stayed home with Aunt Hayley and Uncle Dan so that we could celebrate. It was Hayley and Dan's first solo flight and Harris reported they were champs!
Harris officially looks big to us! Today dressed in one of my favorite outfits I looked at my son and though WOW he doesn't look tiny - he is actually starting to look big . Nevermind the fact that today, like most other days, a stranger asked the "how old?" question and I said almost 2 months
and she said "he is a tiny one so precious." I am amused by people's faces when I tell them his age - it is as if they all are expecting me to say one week, or a few days, or brand new - and then I say almost two months and you can see the wheels turning in their heads. Sometimes I feel I have to explain - mostly because their responses are in the form of a question. YOu know the kind of statement that is definitely a sentence but the inflection of the sentence makes it clear that it is a question. Sometimes I don't. I have been frequently visiting a message board for mom's of preemies just the other day someone posted about this situation and asked the group how they respond - and so today I had a new way of responding - "you should have seen him before - that was tiny!"

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