While, sleeping is still Harris's favorite past time he is waking up a bit. When the little man is awake he does two things (well other then eat) -- he stretches and smiles. Harris loves to stretch - he always has and even at his small size he can arch his back and throw his head with so much force that you wonder whether he is intending to do a back handspring out of your arms. Stretching is not limited to when

Now smiling -- well that is brand new. We have always thought that he smiled (mostly when he was sleeping - as if he was having some great dreams). BUT now we know for sure - today I witnessed him opening his big gummy mouth at my Pop who was calling him "Dude" in a very funny voice.

He does have a ton to smile about he keeps getting to meet more family and seems to be charming one after the other. And for friends and family who have been watching him from day one have been complimenting our little man (and Mommy) by saying

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