Since we brought Harris home we have struggled with bath times -- well Mommy has, Daddy seems to have a very healthy perspective that b

abies cry, Mommy not so much. Up until yesturday Harris responded to bath time in the same way - he screamed and screamed until he stopped breathing for a few seconds (scaring Mommy) and then we had to console him back to regular breaths and move on. Bathtime has meant a variety of things: we have tried sponge baths undressed - hates them; sponge baths only undressing parts of him as we go along so he doesn't get cold - hates them; baths using a fancy European tub designed to keep babies warm - hates them. I am sure you get the point. Well, yesturday we had success - how you might ask - by using a disposable plastic tub that we took from the NICU when we left. Unbelievable!
Weigh in isn't until Wednesday this week - when he has his two month apt. I can't believe Harris is two months already!
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