Some of his current favorite awake activities are:
1. Spitting his pacifier at whoever is holding him and then opening his mouth up to get it back. This game was created by Harris and Aunt Hayley and seems to amuse him greatly
2. Staring at his mobile on the swing and trying to reach for the sheep - which means we now have to have the mobile - music and all - on when he is in the swing -- the little man has just a few toys and I am already wondering how much we will spend in batteries over his lifetime.
3. Watching himself in the mirror on the boppy chair or in the car.
4. Going on outings - OK maybe this is Mommy's favorite thing but Harris sure doesn't mind. This weekend we met Grandee and Grampa and got to see Daddy play Laxcrosse - and Harris must be a good luck charm because Daddy played like a champion. Today, Harris spent the day
out by Grammy and Pop's pool -- OK so he was under two layers of shade and had a blanket covering him - but he was outside!

It is amazing to me that as we approach what would have been our due date (July 23rd) Harris seems to really be coming alive. It also amazes me that it has been 8 weeks - in retrospect I could not even imagine just getting to meet him now.
Tomorrow is weigh in -- do we hear 6 and 1/2 lbs?!?
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