Harris turned 4 months last week. On his birthday we started off the day going to the pediatrician, not for his 4 month apt, but for a weigh in so that he could start Zantac, which seems to be the final piece of the puzzle! So we are on the up and up and then our little man got the sniffles. It started with sneezing and then some congestion and then some more sneezing. I managed to hold off my own anxiety and not take him immediately to the doctor. And believe me "manage" took every ounce of my will power. I had to dig deep inside and not immediately jump to the "I know it is pneumonia or RSV" - but the honest to goodness truth is that he didn't seem sick and the only sign I could see was a bit of congestion, and a slight fussiness after he laid down. So, instead I settled on some warm baths, which he seems to developed a love for (and they also seem to calm him down) and lots of suctioning!

So on Tuesday Harris, accompanied by Mommy and Martina, went to the doctor, for two reasons 1. To check out the sniffles and 2. To get the 4 month check up. We went in and the apt started as all others have - the nurse weighed and measured the little man -- Harris weighed in at 13lbs 1oz (10th percentile for his age) and measured 25 inches (50th percentile for his age). So in size he is catching up quickly!
Then the nurse moved on to the developmental checklist - first question is he cooing? YES! Answering YES to the first question felt great. Second question: Is he smiling? YES! Wow two yeses in a row, I could barely contain myself.
Third question: Is he laughing? Not really, I mean he smiles wide mouthed and looks like he is laughing but there are no sounds. Is he reaching

for toys? No.
Will he play with toys if put in his hands? No.
Is he rolling over? Nooo.
Nurse looks nervous, and I feel like I have to offer the obligatory explanation - you remember he is a ex-30weeker. We go on like that for a few more questions and to be honest begin to think it is comical, the questions get harder. Well, with the exception of does he lift his head on his stomach- that was a clear yes!
When the doctor came in we had a great conversation, Harris has passed all his "gestational" age milestones and 4 months is a big jump and so we will keep looking for him to do more and more, and keep up the exercises focusing more on his arms. The Doctor said we will continue to check in with what he can and can not do and right now he thinks that Harris is progressing nicely. I beamed!
In the middle of the conversation the doctor put Harris on his stomach to see him lift his head. Harris lifted his head and torso and flipped over!! The doctor chuckled looked at me and said I thought he doesn't turn over yet. I looked at our little man in amazement - the funniest part was that Harris started to cry - seems as though the first time he turned over made mommy glow and scared Harris half to death!

Since then Harris hasn't turned all the way over again but uses his new found ability to turn on his side in very creative ways, and often to Mommy's dismay. Mostly, Harris seems to use the side position to suck on his hand but last night he contorted himself around to watch TV - UGH!. My totally obsessiveness with keeping him away from television is a blog for a different time!
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