Saturday, May 30, 2009

Days 1-3: The Big Blur

The first three days were a huge blur. During the time leading up to Harris’s birth, the neonatologists (NICU doctors) told us that time in the NICU was often like a rollercoaster, often parents babies take 3 steps forward and 2 steps back – we got a first hand experience of that over the first few hours of Harris’s life.

After being delivered Harris was whisked away to the NICU with his loving father by his side. He weighed 1900 grams (read 4lbs 3 ounces) – a great size for a 31 week old baby.

His size didn’t minimize the complications in the first three days. As we fell more in more in love with our son, we stood by the side as a competent group of doctors and nurses helped him through:
  1. Extremely low platelets which required a blood transfusion.
  2. An array of equipment to help his breathing including a CPAP (a tube which provides oxygen and pressure to help the lungs expand) and intubation.
  3. A collapsed lung leading to a chest tube.
  4. A fiesty attitude (you try being poked and prodded at all hours of the day).

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