Sunday, May 31, 2009

Day 7

Harris had a good day today. He started the day off with phototherapy for a bit of jaundice but was able to come off the lights by midday. Mommy and Daddy spent a lot of time in the NICU and got to hold Harris a few times.

After dinner, Mom and Dad came into the NICU to find their amazing son had been removed from the CPAP and was doing wonderfully on room air - I am not sure if Harris or Dad was more excited about the tubes being gone! Also, Delia, one of Harris's favorite nurses, had put him in this adorable knitted hat.

That night Jeb got his first exposure to Harris (by way of his undershirt), by night's end he was cuddled up with the shirt. Best friends already!

1 comment:

  1. Take care to prevent sibling rivalry is critical. :-)
