Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Could he really be....

What is that noise...it not really crying more like moaning...Could it really be time for his early morning bottle already, you know the one that holds him over until 7:30 or 8:00. I roll over and look at the clock - 1 a.m. - what is he doing up? Maybe if I lay still he will go back to sleep. No such luck. So I search for my glasses and stumble into the little man's room (funny how you quickly get used to a full nights sleep even if it means you are only getting 5-6 hours -- but they are in a ROW).

I try my best to quietly walk into his room, just in case he has fallen asleep... I peer into his crib and I hear it, the unmistakable sound of congestion. Now I am the one moaning... HOW COULD THIS BE? COULD HE REALLY BE SICK AGAIN?

Then the facts flood in:
1. He had had a pretty cranky morning the day before - for seemingly no reason
2. His eating was sporadic
3. That night's bottle sat only half eaten on the dresser

All by themselves meaningless baby ways - together with the sounds that are now coming from the crib I know it to be true -- Harris has another cold.

I think this puts the count on an even 6 in about two months - or maybe it is just one long cold. Who knows!

His poor little preemie immune system - I can not even imagine what it would be like if he went to daycare!

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