Over the last two weeks (since he hit 7 months) Harris has progressed in leaps and bounds. While he always liked toys, he has really begun to play. He pushes buttons, spins toys, kicks balls (and people), puts toys in containers, throws things and shakes rattles - actually he shakes everything now that he

figured out some toys make noise. He still loves the jump-a-roo that he got for Hannukah and even likes to jump while anyone is holding him.
Two month's ago after our developmental appointment I was concerned -- the speech therapist had suggested there may be a delay - but now our little man is talking up a storm - using all the vowel sounds and at least 5 consonants. Just today Martina mentioned that she heard yet another one! Not only does he babble - he babbles loudly, more then once I have felt the need to tell him to try an indoor voice, but then I look at his smile and just melt. I think he is as pleased as we are!
Harris is also sitting independently - for real. He had teased us over the last month - each time we think he is going to get it any day, he would sit for a few seconds, then a minute or so but not longer. Then yesterday he sat and sat and sat, it wasn't a fluke because today he did the same. He can even reach over and pick up a toy and come back up to sitting.

Interestingly, I saw Harris sit like this for the first time at physical therapy. We went brought him to the PT because despite all the progress we recognized that his arms continued to be stiff and seemed to have limited range of motion (we were right - and he is going to continue in PT for a while). What we had no idea about was that he could sit like this. Barbara the PT was impressed - so I was I to tell you the truth. I had sort of abandoned the idea, at least for the time being, that today would be the day he would really sit and play.
And if this is all not enough - our little man has teeth. Monday his first tooth was visible and today a second one poked through.
I have to say this is such a fun time, each day there is something new, something that brings me relief and excitement. Each night you can hear Mommy or Daddy screaming for each other, saying "Come quick... look what he's doing!"