...because we decided, against all rationale ideas, to take our little man to Grandee and Grampa's condo in Florida. A consult from the doctor gave his approval as long as we went BEFORE flu season. And so we got on a plane and landed in sunny Florida. Harris loved the airport - all the people, the amazing lights, the noise. He loved the plane - flirted with some woman and cooed when we hit turbulence. He LOVED the hot weather (so did Mommy).

For all our little man has grown and changed one thing has remained the same - he still HATESbeing cold, and so the 90 degree hot and humid weather suited him just fine. We had a great long weekend, swimming in the pool, napping in the shade, visiting Great Grandma Jeannie (Daddy's grandma) and generally enjoying our first family vacation.
Mommy and Daddy got to see Harris turn from his stomach to his back and loved having all the time together.

While we were away Harris started to take a full feeding of oatmeal... unfortunately it didn't work out too well and he began to have gastro problems again. So we are no on a break from solids for a week and then we will try something else. In the mean time Mommy is keeping her fingers crossed that we are not encountering a grain allergy. The good news is that a few days off the oatmeal and Harris is a much happier boy (even though we are back home and it is COLD here!)
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