And what's not to love... family,




and of course cake!

With a week full of fun and excitement the only thing I have had time to do was marvel at how quickly it has all gone. Harris's one-year check up on Tuesday may have been when the reality began to hit me - it hit me when the doctor looked at Harris and said to him, wow buddy you have come a long way, then looked up at me and said he is doing amazingly!
I am sure to any mom that would be exciting to me it was magical - the fact that the pediatrician, who has always been incredibly honest, was thrilled with the progress and while he acknowledged the gaps and the potential challenges that still could be ahead he said we should celebrate all Harris can do now including:
Eat on his own
Pull to standing (not to mention rolling and sitting which were a few developmental checklists ago)
Say Parrot (thanks Grammy) along with mom (occasionally), dada (all the time), do(dog), up, down or done (we are not quite sure which it is) and go(which he repeated over and over to the doctor).
As I drove home watching my little man sleep, I thought about all we had been through in the last year, about where we were on this day a year ago - the absolute fear I had then and the absolute delight I have now and the confidence I have that the future is full of possibilities!