Harris is officially 6 months old. His six month check up went really well! He weighed in at 16lbs 12oz and 26 inches (both of which fall in the 25th-50th percentile - actual age!). The doctor was very pleased with his progress. Our little man impressed the peditrician when the doctor took his little hands and encouraged him to sit up -- Harris didn't stop there and, as he loves to do, proceeded to stand up and grin!

The doctor suggested he was ready to move on to more solids and that we could also
offer him a sippy cup with water. Both of which could not have come at a more opportune time; because since starting solids Harris has been much less then interested in his formula bottles and has been reaching for cups left and right. So we tried the sippy cup and Harris caught on right away - holding it on his own and, despite his less then accurate motor skills, he was able to find his mouth!
We have decided to make our little man baby food and so Mommy and Daddy have spent the last two days steaming and pureeing food. It is worth the effort because Harris loves it. Each time we introduce a new taste he first makes a funny face, swallows, kicks his feet in delight, and then opens his mouth for more.
Each day is met with amazement, today Harris rolled over from his front to back! I was home early enough so I got to see it first hand, well to be honest both the nanny and I missed it the first time. Luckily, he was so excited that he tried 3 more times tonight. Mommy and Daddy were so proud, but I think the the little man was even prouder of himself.
** Harris immediately after he rolled over